ONI Fleet Wiki
Imperium Ground Forces Division (IGFD)

Imperium Ground Forces Division

To ensure total security as well as possible invasion offensives, the entire military is built up upon billions of Mechs and Android soliders. 

Command Central[]

When first deployed the a central core is deployed from orbit. Upon entering the planets atomsphere the central core breaks up into thousands of micro cores appearing as if an asteriod or projectile broke up in orbit. Soon afterward Energy stasis teleportations of military soldiers minds are transported in the hundreds to these cores which using powerful amount of energy coming from their Kalminite Cores they replicate massive mecha soldiers capable of destroying most vehicals and aircraft that they encounter. At the same time Smaller human sized androids are deployed inside of their android brains is the living essence of biological soldiers minds allowing them to control the unit as if it were their own body. if a unit is killed the essense returns to the central core and is redeployed. 

All micro cores have intensely powerful shields capable of withstanding hundreds of orbital bombardment strikes as when a micro core is destoryed the biological soldiers essenses are destroyed with it and all armies controlled by the Micro core lose their ability to function without their biological essenses to let them function. 

Types of troops []

There are many differnet kinds of forces used by the Imperium to ensure total ground control. 
