ONI Fleet Wiki
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Only Techon has ever cracked into this kind of file

The IFP has changed its System of Security Clearances instead of usng color codes.


Security level 001 clearance is the lowest level of security clearance on the ship. Only prisoners recieve this. This means that they are unable to even communicate with the crew.

A level 10 clearance is basic level civilians and diplomats of low stature are given this level of clearance. The are allowed to walk around the ship and go to the entertianment centers but they are not allowed in VIP Entertainments or Crew Facilities. They are unable to talk to the senior staff.

Level 50 Acess is given to the standard crew, they can perform their duties enjoy the entertainments and move about as they please. Science lab facilites are unaccessible. As are the Reactor room and the dark decks.


Levels 50 trhough 90 are given to important diplomats and higher ranking crew. Science labs are avalible but reactor room is still off limits as is the dark decks. 


These security clearances give acess to the reactor room and to Rathals and Sarci's Quarters. Only senior officers, Taiidan Officals, and UGI High Command are given these Access codes. 

Rath Level[]

Reserved personally for Rathal and a few unnamed IFP High Command Officials This level of access lets those with codes explore the Dark Decks of the Firestorm and other IFP Black Projects. Only Rathal has this code which is permanetly locked in his brain and is mentally scanned. The key officals use mental energy implants as well. These codes can overide any thing in IFP Space. Only five known People have them. 


The Techon Overide code isn't really a code as it is Techron's ability to be able access all information. Only Techon has this code. 
